C4STAR: A CCOT Collaborative 

Chicago for the Surgery of Trauma, Advocacy, & Research  

Mission Statement:  

Promote collaboration between the Chicagoland trauma centers to further scientific exploration, educational initiatives, injury prevention, and advocacy.


Quality trauma care for all – Reduce disparities across our communities

Foster interagency collaboration – Recognize that some projects rely on teamwork

Professional development – Mentorship for our trainees and junior faculty

Core Values:  

Equity – For our patients, our trainees, our colleagues

Trauma-Informed Care – Treat all with empathy and compassion, recognizing that trauma goes beyond physical injury

Cooperation – Understand that the patient comes first above all else. We are all working toward the same goal and are stronger together.

 Collaborative Proposals:  

Proposal Submission:  

Primary Investigator or Lead on Initiative shall present a written proposal of no more than two (2) pages to the Collaboration Council for review. Research proposals should follow the standard format for the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST) Multicenter Trial proposal format and include a data collection instrument. Proposals for non-research initiatives should be no more than two (2) pages and clearly, state background information, specific aims, methodology, request from member hospitals, impact on trauma community, and timeline for completion.

Timeline for Submission:  

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and submitted to C4STAR@chicagocot.com. The council lead will distribute the application to council members. Council members will be given two (2) weeks to provide comment on appropriateness, suggest edits, and/or commit to participate. The goal should be for at least four (4) primary member hospitals to participate.


Following standards set forth by multiple organizations including EAST Multicenter Trial publication requirements, no more than two (2) authors from each participating hospital should be listed in the order of contribution, unless specifically agreed upon all authors. Recognition of C4STAR must be included in all published materials or media materials.

Research Grant Proposals:  


Support trainee and early career research through seed-funding.


Trainee (fellow, resident, student) in good standing at a primary member hospital or affiliated center. Early career (within 5 years of training completion) can be considered but an effort should be made to include a trainee.

The proposed project must primarily relate to improving the care of acute care surgical patients (trauma, emergency general surgery, critical care); however, the applicant does not need to be primarily enrolled in a surgical program.


Up to $2500 for a 12-month time period.

Institutional Review Board approval or exemption must be obtained prior to the distribution of funds.

 Proposal Submission:  

Primary Investigator or Lead on Initiative shall present a written proposal of no more than two (2) pages to the Collaboration Council for review. Research proposals should follow the standard format for the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST) Multicenter Trial proposal format and include a data collection instrument.

Timeline for Submission:  

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and submitted to C4STAR@chicagocot.com. The Council lead will distribute the application to council members. Council members will be given two (2) weeks to provide comments on appropriateness, suggest edits, and rank as (1) approve, (2) reconsider after revision, or (3) reject. A maximum of two (2) projects can be funded in a given fiscal year.


Recipients will be expected to briefly present their results at the annual meeting the year following their funding and provide a one (1) page written report.


Recognition of C4STAR funding must be included in all published materials or media materials. For further information please contact C4STAR@chicagocot.com