The Advanced Trauma Life Support® (ATLS®) program can teach you a systematic, concise approach to the care of a trauma patient. ATLS was developed by the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Committee on Trauma (COT) and was first introduced in the US and abroad in 1980. Its courses provide you with a safe and reliable method for immediate management of injured patients.
The course teaches you how to assess a patient’s condition, resuscitate and stabilize him or her, and determine if his or her needs exceed a facility’s capacity. It also covers how to arrange for a patient’s inter-hospital transfer and assure that optimum care is provided throughout the process. If you don’t treat trauma patients frequently, an ATLS course provides an easy method to remember for evaluation and treatment of a trauma victim.
The Traditional Provider Course is a (2) two-day continuing medical education program designed to train the physician in the early life saving modalities for patients who have been physically injured by trauma. This education offering has been approved for 16 Category One Hours, by the American College of Emergency Physicians and or the American College of Surgeons
The mATLS or Hybrid Course: The newest addition to the ATLS program—is comprised of 13 online modules designed to replace the interactive discussion component of the traditional ATLS course. Learners may complete the modules their own pace, however, these must be completed before the face-to-face sessions.
After completion of the modules, learners must attend the hands-on skills portion of the course. These sessions are scheduled in a day and one-half time frame.
How long is the online 10th edition Hybrid Course: Expect to spend approximately 9 hours in completing the course. This course is self-paced so you may go at your own speed to feel comfortable with all the material presented. You must view each slide for the course to mark as complete and for the CME/Completion certificate to populate.
The Student Refresher Course is a (3/4) Three quarter day continuing medical education program designed to update the previously ATLSÒ trained physician. This educational offering has been approved for 7.5 Category One Hours, by the American College of Emergency Physicians and/or the American College of Surgeons.
Effective immediately, The American College of Surgeons has extended the window to complete the re-verification process. You may be allowed up to a year after the expiration date on your card to complete a student refresher course. Please contact judithbraic@aol.com to confirm this information as it applies to your specific ATLS expiration date.
The ATCN Course: The Nurse participants audit the ATLS lectures, during the ATLS skill and testing stations, the nurses are separated from the physician group and directed through ATCN skill stations.
The skill stations are based on an interactive hands-on scenario-based approach to adult education. The practical testing stations allow the ATCN student to demonstrate the application of ATLS and ATCN information on a moulaged patient. Participants receive both ATCN and ATLS Manuals
The Society of Trauma Nurses is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s commission on Accreditation. The ATCN Student course have been awarded 18.5 contact hours.
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